A fossil of three fish of various sizes.


20 | he/him

artist writer & early 20th century enthiusiast

Undergrad English major; Art minor; College radio DJ

Learning Russian; I've taken classes in ASL and Latin


A button reading 'best heard through a 3.5mm jack' with a picture of a 3.5mm headphone jack. A button reading 'designed for desktop viewing' with a small icon of a computer. A button reading 'Pro AO3 Freak' with the AO3 icon. A button reading 'I support the right to repair' with an icon of a hand holding up a wrench. A button reading 'DAPG Hiatus Survivor' in the DanandPhilGAMES colors and font. A button reading '...penis....' with a blue disappointed face.
A black antique timer.