I love learning about historical fashion. The periods I've focused on and take inspiration from are regency (~1750s) England, Victorian England, the evolution of mostly Western WWI & WWII military-wear, 1930s-40s American workwear, and early twentieth century Russian work-wear.

Historical Fashion Info by Period + Place

Check back soon!

Historical inspired sewing projects

I fell in love with handsewing this summer when I made my first ever piece of clothing for myself! I made a sort of pirate shirt to wear to the Renaissance fair, which I entirely handsewed. I got really good at backstitching and French seams, which I actually really enjoy doing! I also learned about flat-felling seams. I'm not super good at it yet, but it was interesting to learn! I'll link some tutorials below.

I'll put up some photos of my projects at some point, I'd like to document them and talk about them properly. I have a blog post about my shirt that I wrote when I finished it. (It's 04: 09-07-2024, havent' figured out yet how to make a blog setup that can link to individual blog posts...I digress.)

Some Historical Fashion + Sewing Resources!

Historical Fashion Information

Sewing Resources

A black antique timer.